Doctoral Hell

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Babysitting fun

Wow...I initially slipped and wrote "babysitting gun". Analysis, anyone? :)

My work slowed considerably this week, as the professor I babysit for (well, I actually babysit the 23 month old, but, you know...) called last Monday and asked me to watch the baby every day for a few weeks as they move and prepare to go to Europe for 2 months. Then my parents came for the weekend. All that said, I'm still almost done with Intro to Psychoanalysis and am on page 20. Whoo.

Highlights of the past week include:

--The guy who tried to hit on me by telling me that he was "good friends" with Freud. (Yes, I was reading Freud when he approached). He offered to tell me about what he was like. I later ran into him while with my mother in the Whole Foods.

--The POLICE CHASE on the PLAYGROUND. (Beechwood and Fifth, concerned parents!) I was playing with the baby (okay, toddler, fine!) and noticed a cop pulling someone over into the playground parking lot. A guy got out of the van and started to run. I picked up my charge and tried to make the other side of the playground look mighty fun indeed to all the kids. The guy who ran actually did get away. The other guy was arrested.

-- My horrendous spanish is improving ever so slightly. I am increasingly competent in phrases said to and by toddlers. First on the list is: "No se toca, por favor".

--Ask me about my traumatic Thursday afternoon.

Okay, off to read for a bit before my client. And in glorious news, I just double checked and my revisions for the critical psy journal aren't due until July 15th.


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