Doctoral Hell

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Still here...

I'm still up in the psych clinic, even though it's 9:30pm...I'm here checking my e-mail until 10:30, because I had not time during the day to do it, and I'm giving an exam tomorrow morning. Thus, all the students freak out and send panicked e-mails. I've been booked since early morning, so I haven't had time to respond until now. So here I go. I locked myself in up here, both so that the cops don't show up and so that no-one comes up the stairs and kills me...(not that I'm paranoid!)

There is a can of pears sitting no the table next to me. I want to eat them but I won't.

I'm feeling burnt out as all hell. I even considered sleeping in the Clinic, either in my class' office(where I'm behind a total of 3 locks and have a squishy couch that I've napped on in the past, and a fleece blanket...) or in a session room (where there are couches and I'm behind 2 locks.) I'd be able to do it, as long as I made sure they weren't doing a security check if I let myself out to pee. But it's too freaking depressing...I've only seen my husband in the car today, and he's meeting me here at 10:30, driving home, and then I'll crash because I have to be here at 7:30 tomorrow morning...

On top of that, the cat has a freaking bladder infection. Let's just say that we had to buy a tub of cat stain and odor remover and he's going to the vet tomorrow...poor little guy seems to be pretty miserable....

Tomorrow, I have 2 clients, I'm giving that exam, going to class, (with a break in the middle to run to the bank for money to pay the vet...) then my hubby is taking the cat to the vet while I babysit my classmate's little boy.

So....yup...the sleepiness!


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