Doctoral Hell

Thursday, June 15, 2006

20 Ways to Avoid Working on Comps (all blog-owner tested!)

1) Blog!
2) Give self a pedicure.
3) Try to brush the cat until he stops shedding.
4) Make a commitment to the environment and start walking EVERYWHERE, even if it takes 2 hours.
5) Obsessively check
6) "Study with a friend" at a coffee shop.
7) Go through ENTIRE COLLECTION of articles from the whole doctoral experience, and refile according to various categories (ie., EP, psychoanalysis, qualitative research...)
8) Clean the apartment, mess it up, clean it again.
9) Take a break to meditate in order "find inspiration".
10) Go camping! (Not tested yet -- stay tuned!)
11) Go to the zoo.
12) Decide that it would be "a good exercise" to transcribe all recorded sessions.
13) Watch Dr. Phil, just to scoff at his "faith-healer" style.
14) Read the entire Sunday paper.
15) Get in touch with long lost friends.
16) Change to bar shampoo which requires extra time and rinsing with vinegar.
17) Schedule clients with awkward amounts of time in between.
18) Rediscover the joys of chess, and start playing nightly.
19) Decide to do some "extra reading" to prepare for teaching in the fall.
20) Spend several hours exploring and recording various jokes about psychotherapy.


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