Doctoral Hell

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Keeping Kitty Cool...

Heh...the following steps were taken to assess the kitty's condition:

-The vet was called
-He was monitered for drooling
-The contents of his litterbox were examined
-His demeanor and gait were monitored
-His gums were checked for purplish hue

The following steps were taken to cool off the kitty:
-We put out about fifteen bowls of water, so that he had water no matter where he was in our very small apartment.
-We soaked a bathtowel and laid it where he likes to sleep
-We continuously re-aimed the fans so that they continued to aim at him
-We put bags of ice on his favorite chair
-I dipped my hands in water and petted him until he was soaked. (He would not tolerate simply being hosed)
-We froze bottles of water, then put them up against him. (This produced wild purring, I might add.)


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