Doctoral Hell

Monday, March 27, 2006

To my student

Hi. We need to talk. Remember how you got in my face after class today? That wasn't okay. It is not appropriate to swear at me. I understand that you were disappointed with your grade. Next time, you should come to class, come to office hours, and TAKE THE EXAM rather than the make up. If you want me to feel sorry for you, you should not switch excuses every five minutes. (For example, it was not to your benefit that you suddenly had a "stomach flu so bad you couldn't stand" so shortly after I had declined your request to postpone your makeup exam due to pledging requirements.) In general, you need to remember that you are the one who is responsible for your grade. It is bad for your academic career to get in instructor's faces and swear at them. Go to therapy!

Yeah, so I actually had a student get up in my face today. He told me that I fucked him over, because he did poorly on a make up exam that he had to take because he missed the exam because of PLEDGING. He was in my face in front of the rest of my class, and he slamemd out of the classroom. This is after he cycled through nearly a dozen excuses, fought with me about the format of makeup exams (all essay and more difficult, as you'll see on my syllabus, thanks!), and feigned an illness so devastating that he could not walk. I told him that I could not speak with him until he calmed down. I then e-mailed him and cc'ed it to my supervisor, offering to arrange a meeting between the three of us. My supervisor, bless him, was ready to go to bat for me and take it to the Dean. The student wrote me to apologize (and whine!), so I'm not filing a disciplinary complaint. He should, however, consider himself warned.

What's up with these students? Most of them are so sweet, I grant that. But some of them feel so fucking entitled! They want an A because they want it. Just because they're not coming to class and haven't taken any exams is no reason for me to be a bitch and give them a low grade, right? Can you imagine being that ballsy as a freshman? Then again, I broke out of a hospital against medical advice so that I wouldn't miss a final exam...I just don't get it.


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