Doctoral Hell

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Avoiding a public health crisis...

I found out on Friday that I do not, in fact, have a staph infection. I merely had a fever and a rash. Crisis averted. I was not exactly looking forward to calling the County Health Department and my practicum and explaining that I had just exposed a bunch of immune suppressed people to Staph. So, good.

I'm teaching about eating disorders tomorrow, and I've been getting tons of e-mails from students saying "I was too embarassed to ask about this in class, but I was wondering if you could tell us about _________." I have to start remembering to ask them to write down (anonymously) their questions about these things. At least they're asking me at all...and I use it as opportunity number 7,000 to insert a little feminist plug. I'm surprised that no-one has bitched on ratemyprofessor.

Sometimes I'm just struck by how freaking obnoxious students can be...One student skipped my exam and then informed me that he "expects me to be accomodating." Ummm...yeah....well, I expected you to take the exam!!

I had my independent study yesterday. I'm really into my topic, although I find myself so paranoid that I'm hesitant to blog it...Odd, huh? Basically, I'm talking about the performing experience of performance ethnography. I'm looking at the performance of performance ethnography as simply another step in the reflexive/research process. The performance itself is an enacting of a dynamic...the experience of the performance alters both the performer (through the experience) and the script (whenever language becomes fixed, it shifts.) I'm also looking at the alteration in the power dynamics of ethnographer/audience when the ethnographer shifts from presenting the performance as product (and a product that will "enlighten" the audienc) to offering the performance as a continued mutual exploration of dynamics of difference. Yup.

Group today focused on chronic illness, which happens to be one of my "things." So, I'm excited for Thursday, which is the day that I lead...

A final somewhat random babble...I've been thinking a lot about the phenomenology of using various theoretical approaches. I'm in a case formulation course right now, and I just did my first case presentation. I really enjoy case presentation courses because they REALLY help me with my clinical work. Anyhow, I was noticing such an embodied difference in my experience of theorizing from an object-relations/Jungian perspective and a more language-based/Lacanian approach. Working with object-relations, I feel more embodied, more warm, and even a bit maternal. I feel my belly activated in the process. From the Lacanian approach, I feel much more head is working, but my belly isn't...

Ah, the musings of a psychdoctoral student...

Finally, (I mean it this time!) I've been noticing what it's like to work with female supervisors. Oddly enough (for me, anyhow) I feel much less judged by them. On the one hand, it's because I'm working with some fairly direct (okay, one is downright blunt!) women. I don't feel like I have to do any guess work with them-if they say good job, I did a good job.

Yup...okay...enough babbling!


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