Doctoral Hell

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More Advice to My Undergrads...

1) If you were not in class to hear the paper assignment, you should ask me or a classmate to tell you the assignment. Better yet, show up to class next time and catch the next assignment! You only have to do five, remember! Writing a paper on a random topic of your own choosing usually won't suffice, unless you are amazingly intuitive and happen to pick the real assignment. Please don't be surprised when I tell you that, although your paper on serial killers is lovely, I can't grade it.

2) If, for whatever reason, you need to furnish me with an excuse, pick one and only one. Here's an example. Good excuse: "I missed class last week because my grandmother died." Bad excuse: "I'm so sorry that I missed class last week. My grandmother died, I put my cat to sleep, I was in a car accident, had a strange and dangerous reaction to shellfish, got mugged, and my car wouldn't start." When you furnish me with 6 or 7 excuses, you decrease the statistical probablity that what you are telling me is true. I'm just saying...

3) While we're on the topic of excuses....I really don't care why you weren't in class yesterday. My policy allows you to miss several classes without it impacting your grade. I make the policy that way precisely so that I don't have to sort through all of your excuses. If you're telling me because you don't want me to think you're blowing off my class, cool. If you're telling me so that I'll give you points for something you didn't do, not cool.

4) If you skipped exam 1 AND exam 2, you are definitely failing my class. I assure you that, despite the horror involved in coming to my office hours, making a brief appearance for me to sign your drop slip before the due date is in your best interest. Seriously. I won't hurt you.

5) Don't pretend that you e-mailed me when you didn't. I get e-mail from everyone but you. It's not my account. It's you.

Ahh, that feels better. Poor students....I love some of them, but some of them drive me insane.

I can't believe that I'm taking the time to write in this. I have to see a client, then babysit until roughly 1am, then I have to be back here and professional at 8am, then leave right after teaching for a conference.

For the record....
Writing final papers + Writing final exams + Grading final exams + 2 conferences = ACK!!!!!


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