Doctoral Hell

Monday, January 09, 2006

Syllabus Day

The whole point of the first day of class is for the teachers and students to size eachother up. Honestly, I view the first day almost like an assessment.

Will my students speak to me?
Will they speak to each other?
Will they speak to me if I let them speak to each other first?
Where are my suck-ups? (surprisingly not always located in the first row.)
Where are my scowlers? (Back left corner every time, I swear!)
Who's defiant? (The ones who refuse to fill out a note card.)

I think I have an okay class this semester. They wouldn't talk to me, much...but a few did. They worked in groups well, and they talked more when I called on them after group stuff. I do, however, have the Most Intense Scowler Ever. I casually looked around the room, and I swear that I could only see the whites of her eyes. As a result of this informal assessment, I'm putting them in groups on Wednesday to see if I can get them comfortable enough to talk to me without the groups.

For their part, they spent the time sizing me up. Will I be a bitch or a pushover? It's such a strange ritual, but I'm glad to have it done with.

The room I teach in absolutely sucks. The past two semesters, I've been centrally located on the same floor of the department. That was pretty awful, but I at least had some ROOM down there. I don't even have a frigging overhead projector in there! There's very little room to do anything. Because most of my activities involve movement of some kind, this'll be interesting....


  • At 10/1/06 20:13, Blogger Wild West Intern said…

    Yeah, one refused.

    The primary purpose of filling out the notecard is so that I can e-mail them if I'm sick or am handling a client emergency or something.

    So if she misses out on that, than too bad!!

    Seriously, there are some attitudes. I can usually soften them over time...but one of my classmates received a SIGNED E-MAIL that implored her to F*** herself.


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