Doctoral Hell

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

New Office

I am huddling in the Psychology Clinic, trying to warm up before my 3:00 session.

Today was the first day in the new office at my practicum. It's a disaster. The heat isn't on in the building yet (we didn't have heat in the old place either, so at least we're used to that.) The elevator does not yet exist. I mean supervisor was showing me around this morning and she pointed to a segment of the wall and said: "That's where the elevator will be." This means that one group member had to literally be carried up the steps to group. Dramatic moments in group were punctuated by drilling and strange noises coming from the not-ceiling. (The ceiling is not yet installed, so it's pretty much just pipes and bits of insulation.)

There was also drama surrounding the location of my office. HAVING an office is a step up for me - at the old place, I had to invade the office of any psychiatrist who had taken the day off. My supervisor had told me that I was in one particular room, so I set up shop there early this morning before our supervision. When she showed up, she decided that I better belonged in another office and that her earlier comments had been a mistake. Okay. I moved my stuff to the new office. Around 9:15, I said goodbye to my supervisor and helped the group leader find the group members and show them to the new room. On the group's break at 10:30, I noticed a sign on the door to what was supposedly my office that said: "Please Do Not Disturb. Occupied MTW 9-5." Hmmm....All of my stuff was in there, including my coffee pot (vital to my status as a non-bitchy therapist!), my coat (vital because I use it as a blanket when I do notes because of the lack of heat) and my backpack.

The door was open, so I disturbed! It turns out that they had assigned the same office to someone else. I found the unit supervisor, and no-one knew what I was supposed to do. Finally, I just moved my stuff back to the office my supervisor had originally told me to use.

I'm not sure if that's really where I'm supposed to be, but I have convinced maintenance to give me the key to it. And I took the keys to the locking desk and filing cabinet, too.

So, whatever, it's mine now!!!


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