Doctoral Hell

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Moving Day

My practicum site is moving down the street from its current location. That means that, after group today, we all stole lunch from a drug rep (I say "stole" because NO ONE stayed for the lecture. We just ate and left...the kitchen had already been dismantled and the microwave was gone. We insisted that we had no choice.)

As we milled around filling boxes full of books on therapy and addiction, plants, boxes of tissues, and cheesy motivational posters, it occurred to me: anything therapists do as a group is funny.

When we all went sledding, it was funny.
Therapists taping their file cabinets shut in their sweater-vests: it's funny!
Therapists playing with children....funny!

I think my favorite, though, is the emergency system. If a consumer attacks, you hit a particular button on the phone. 60 (count them 60!!!!) therapists put down what they're doing and rush to your aide. They will kick down your door if it is locked.

Therapists kicking down a that's funny!


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