Doctoral Hell

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Getting bad at updating..,.

I have begun to really neglect this, but oh well.

I've been a bit depressed the past few days, actually. Some of the community mental health stuff is just...draining. Yesterday, I came home and just cried. I felt so overwhelmed by other people's pain that I collapsed briefly. I also developed a severe migraine.

So, the effect ended up being that I was sobbing and clutching my head that was throbbing from stress-induced pain while putting together stuff for my class today. What was I going to teach, you ask? Stress reduction techniques. The irony did not escape me.

I think I'm somewhat recovered now. A wrench was put in one of my typical ways of coping, so I regressed to somatization and tears. It happens.

I enjoyed teaching stress-reduction, gives me a break, and they love it. 18 year olds instantaneously regress when you give them markers. We did meditation, guided visualization, a hypnotic technique where you visualize the problem having been solved, and "drawing a piece of music." You give them markers, and they start giggling, etc. Cute.

Right now I'm working on developing the methods section of my proposal. It's a little bit...shall we say....informal. I discuss feeling "a bit shady." Eh, whatever.

In other news, the cat does not have kidney stones. It took $200 to determine this, but hey. My little fuzzy one is okay.

Finally, I' ve been thinking about what it must feel like to be homeless. I'm working with some people who were homeless for years (some of whom still are) and thinking about the psychology and experience of that. You can never really relax, ever. There's never the safety of closing the door behind you. Everything always feels unsettled and unsafe. There's constant shame, especially along with the begging and prostitution that often follow. It's to not have a place in the world. I try to wrap my mind around it, and I can't.

Alright, back to work....


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