Doctoral Hell

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Stream of consciousness...

I've just been in an odd mood the past several days. Somehow, circumstances have helped with that. I spent a good portion of the day insisting that I am NOT, in fact, a hospital administrator posing as a practicum student. Sigh.

This is a random strema of consciousness post.

Yesterday, some of us were in the office, and we were listening to Dick in a Box. The phone rang. We hit pause, and I stifled a giggle to answer the phone confidently with: "Psychology Clinic!"

In proposal news, I have taken to watching American Idol while working on the dissertation. I think that it's an intellectual stalemate...the show itself decreases my I.Q., but the proposal is intellectually I feel like it kind of evens out or something!

I'm a bit concerned that I am already sick of the project. I was out last night, and another student said that she was looking forward to reading it. I squeaked out just enough enthusiasm to not come off like a total bitch...but I'm kind of going 'eh. yeah. my dissertation. yawn.'

My inner teenager is sneaking out more and more. I can count at least five times this week alone that I've passive-aggressively folded my arms, slouched in a chair, rolled my eyes, and sighed: "It's not like it really matters!!!"

I also broke out a carefully phrased truth (which complements the slouching teenager stuff nicely.) For example, I'm in this absolutely dreadful quantitative methods class. I have not done the reading. It's my last semester of course work...keep in mind that I have taken -- if summer courses count -- 17 semesters of course work in this department. I have not even purchased the damn reading packet. It turns out that next class is the last one before the midterm. We will be spending the time reviewing the *cough* assignments *cough.* Now, the assignments are in the little reading packet that I have not yet purchased. I have another draft of the proposal due on Sunday, and it needs a lot more work. So, I realized that, shit, I'm going to have to do 6 weeks of work this week! Then I realized, wait, maybe we don't have to actually hand in the assignments. So, instead of owning up not having done the work, I instead asked:

"Are our notebook scrawlings acceptable, or should we type up our work to hand it in?"

The professor kindly noted that "notebook scrawlings are fine" because we won't be handing them in. As a classmate later jabbed "oh, yeah, cuz you have TONS of notebook scrawlings, don' t you?" It reminds me of how we'd answer my friend's mothers in high school...they'd ask what we'd be doing that night, and we'd answer, dripping with sarcasm, our actual plans. "We're going to go to the coffee shop, smoke some pot, and ride in cars with boys."


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