Yesterday kind of sucked, particularly when I picked up a pot that was touching a pot that was on a hot burner. I burnt my hand (not badly, can't even tell this morning), flung the pot which knocked stuff over before landing in the garbage can. That's a five minute glimpse of yesterday ;).
So, I was brushing the cat yesterday, and he was doing his customary dance: Arch back into brush, purr loudly, flop to floor, continue to purr loudly, vibrate with pleasure, then suddenly catch sight of the brush and viciously attack. At this point, I turned to my husband and said: "See, the classic "good brush/bad brush!"
I'm on campus all day as I have an early morning and late evening appointment. I plan to go to the bank, figure out what the hell is up with payroll, and read like crazy for comps.
I was glancing over my reading list this morning. I have this smorgasboard of stuff. It's this almost entirely random mixture of authors and texts. I guess that fits with my learning objective (exploring the psychoanalytic notion of self with a poststructural view of self), but geez!
Okay, so we start with my foundational texts, where I have Freud's Intro to Psychoanalysis Lectures, Lacan's Mirror Stage as Formative of the I Function, and Bruce's theoretical book on Lacan. Those all flow. Then, just because, I have Levinas' Ethics and Infinity.
So far, we have psychoanalysis and Levinas.
Then I move to my my cultural reflections texts. From the previous list, you'd think I'd have post-Freudian stuff. No. I have Butler: Gender Trouble, Derrida: Speech and Phenomena, Fanon: Black skin/White masks, Foucault: Madness and Civilization and hooks: Talking back: Thinking feminist, thinking black., am I pscyhoanalytic or poststructural?
Then, moving on to my qualitative research texts. I have a bunch of articles on performance ethnography before randomly throwing in Finlay's book because I loved her class when she came here (good reason, right?), and Gilligan's Women's Ways of Knowing becauase it's cool.
So, my self-created comps list is a mixture of psychoanalytic, post-structural, performative and random texts.
Wish me luck ;).